Welcome to MrMr's page!

What is this page?

Good question! This was created by me to be the connecting link for all of my projects. links to my socials and work will be found here!

Who are you?

I'm just some artist who prefers anonymity online and likes lying to strangers for fun. You can call me MrMr, but my other online titles are 3xqu1s1t3c0rps3 or 3XQU1Z1T3_C0RPZ3 (and similar variations of exquisite corpse) and cannibalrotmeat. Those names are the only ones I will be using for any socials or anything online.

Why is the page so simple?

This page is simple because I just prefer it that way! I don't have too much information, why make it complicated?

Some of my interests outside of my own work are;

My Stuff

All 18+ content will be kept to 18+ specific accounts, under the name chloroform__guy or chloroform-guy. Anyone under 18 should not interact with those accounts, and I will block any minors I do encounter on said accounts, for the safety of everyone involved.

My Tumblr

@3xqu1s1t3c0rps3 on TikTok

Raw Space.